New study: CBD reduces desire for alcohol

A recent scientific study conducted at the University of Colorado at Boulder confirms that cannabis consumption with a predominance of cannabidiol has a significant effect on lower alcohol consumption. The findings were published in Psychology of Addictive Behaviors.

CBD vs Alcohol

According to a number of studies conducted so far, CBD and supplements such as CBD oil have broad health-promoting applications. So far, however, it has not been tested whether CBD oil can be an effective treatment for alcoholism.

What is groundbreaking, however, is this latest study conducted by American scientists. The experiment involved 120 people who used hemp rich in CBD, THC or a mixture of both organic compounds found in these plants.

Those who used CBD-dominant hemp drank fewer drinks compared to those who did not use hemp. In contrast, those who used hemp with THC and CBD or THC alone did not notice a lower consumption of high beverages.

Research findings

When it comes to hemp and alcohol, however, there are conflicting findings. Indeed, some studies suggest that cannabis is a substitute for alcohol, while others indicate that cannabis supplements alcohol, thereby increasing the desire to drink.

However, a more in-depth examination of the CBD contained in supplements such as CBD oil shows that using it can reduce alcohol consumption.

Marijuana vs. Alcohol

This is not the first study of its kind to look at the link between cannabis use and reduced alcohol consumption. The study's co-authors conducted a similar project earlier. Its results were published in the journal Addiction.

It showed an inverse relationship between cannabis and alcohol use. Those who were chronic alcohol users reduced their consumption on days when they used marijuana.

Conducted by the University of Colorado at Boulder and Colorado State University, the study included 96 different people who used cannabis and were also participating in a program to recover from alcoholism.

Alcohol consumption decreased in these individuals on the days they used cannabis, and the trend was consistent among heavy and light cannabis users.

The individuals studied consumed 29 percent less alcoholic beverages and were twice as likely to binge drink on the days they used cannabis.

Findings from the study were noted in both men and women, and among those who use cannabis frequently or occasionally.


